October 8, 2006

Up Close and Personal

Posted in camera, ideas, photos at 11:38 pm by scrapbookdesigns

RAMBLINGS OF A LAZY SUNDAY BY ELAINE…… When it’s gloomy outdoors but you have the shutterbug BUG, what to do?? Well, today was one of those days for me. All last night I was thinking about which of the freshly opened roses would deserve the most attention of the lens and of the new mother duck and her brood down the street at the park. I had also planned some shots of our two dogs Nero and Charlie racing around our backyard.  When the clouds started to gather and the sky became overcast I knew it wasn’t going to be an ideal “outdoor” day.  So instead I put myself to task taking some shots around the inside of the house.  These will serve for all sorts of different purposes.  Not only are we talking scrapbook pages but images that can be used for cards, collage, 3D objects and more all by changing the size of the photo and sometimes the colours.  Playing with your camera around static household objects can be really rewarding and a good chance to get used to certain functions of your camera, in my case I wanted to play with the Macro Food Function.  What I love about a digital camera is that there is no excuse for not taking good photos if you give yourself time to work your camera to its maximum potential.  You can always hit the delete button. I hope that the shots below will give you some inspiration to look what’s right under your nose.  I know I surprised myself!!

 beads2.jpg brads1.jpg beads21.jpg

These shots were inspiring to set up. Handfuls of luscious beads and pastel flower brads set on plain backgrounds let the objects speak for themselves.  I may print them and paste in a book for a record or for colour inspiration.

jewellery.jpg watches1.jpg scissors.jpg

I confess, I am a hoarder!!! Any chance for a collection I say!! I think the above shots really captures objects that bring me great pleasure and remind me of certain things.  Jewellery is my all time favourite accessory and many pieces are dear because of who bought them for me. The watches I bartered for in a small turkish ephemera store in a Singapore arcade.  My kids thought I was crazy to be buying a heavy plastic bag of working & broken watch pieces but I recall it as being the highlight of that days shopping!  The scissors started as op shop buys that I could attach to art work, even cards without too much grief being small and quite flat.  It wasn’t long before I kept more than I used and the collection keeps growing!

 allsorts.jpg freddo.jpg neros-food.jpg

And who could forget the snacks!  My favourite – licorice allsorts, chocolate or both together….mmmm! I thought a quick shot of the dogs chow would be a good edition to my stock of photos.

 Remember close detail can really add intensity to a photo and whether you end up using a small portion or the whole photo, you are sure to get that wow factor!  I wonder what around your house deserves a snap?

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